Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Skeleton Makes Good"

Old skeleton was the town's reject. A total schlub. He had a dead-end job, no woman, and he lived in a shed. Worst of all, he was alone; no friends, no kin to speak of. When he wasn't working or living in his shed, he would walk about town, trying to be a part of it. But who would want anything to do with a bony old skeleton? It seemed his fate was sealed. He entered the bank to make a meager deposit, when he discovered the joint was gettin' stuck up. A robber had the fat, fat-headed manager at gunpoint. Old bony skeleton charged the burglar. What did he have to lose? Besides, maybe if he saved the fat-headed manager, he could get a job at the bank -- a real step up from his job at the laundry mat. The burglar was so taken by surprise that he shrieked like a little girl, tossing the fat man to the side, as old skeleton tackled him  to the ground. Old skeleton got shot, but it went right through. The cops came and arrested the prick, and old skeleton was a hero.  

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