Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"To All"

I guess I’ve always been kind of a nobody. Even when I would win awards in school, the teacher would start off by saying: “Yeah, this guy’s kind of a nobody, but he’s the winner of this award so you can clap if you want; you don’t have to, though, if you don’t feel comfortable.” 

Most of the kids never clapped--I guess they didn’t feel comfortable--and it was extremely awkward for everyone involved, especially me. 

I guess I was that guy kind of floating through life, like a balloon, until one day I floated away, away from everything and everyone. That’s when I would say I lost my point of reference. Even though I just compared myself to a balloon, and I stand by that comparison, I’d say I’m maybe more like a ship, a ship lost at sea that can’t see the coastline, no great beacon to guide him ashore. There’s no lighthouse. And without the beacon, the proverbial lighthouse, you’re just a man at sea, lost at sea. Any port in a storm, they say. Any port in a storm.   

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