Sunday, December 15, 2019

"My Dream"

I want to be conservative. I want to be financially stable. Fiscally prudent. When I joke about my 401k, I know I shouldn't. I like a few Coldplay songs, but I want them to be my favorite band. I'd like to go to J Crew and get a really nice pair of khakis. Maybe a button-down. I want to shop at the Gap more. I guess what I'm sayin' is, I want to be white and fit in with other white people. I like, I think, two Creed songs. What happened to them? What happened to me? That question echoes in my mind and I want to reach out for something Polo Ralph Lauren. Is a BMW in the cards for me? An expensive car, yes, but worth the investment. People will see me in it and think "that guys got a strong portfolio, his stocks are in order. He's taking advantage of the market. And what's that emanating from his BMW? A Coldplay song. Probably his favorite band."

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