Monday, March 23, 2020

"Students and Science"

Things all students should know about science:

-- Sometimes it happens in a lab, but not always: Look at Archimedes!
-- The world is not flat; it ain't no flap jack.
-- Einstein was a genius.
-- You got igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
-- Volcanoes are real!
-- Don't do boring shit in a science fair. Bring your A-game, ladies. Take a fucking risk. I never won a science fair. Came in dead last once. But I took risks. And that's what people remember. That, and when I came in dead last. They remember that. But you know what? That's the moment I became a scientist.
-- Why not have a great idea for physics? 
-- Erosion.
-- Metamorphosis--larva, pupae, all that jazz. Chrysalis.
-- You got Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and I guess they can all be pretty boring, but what about just throwing yourself into it? Covalent bonding, bunsen burners, the list goes on . . . Being in the lab . . . Experiments that seem stupid, are stupid, seem to go nowhere . . . Litmus paper . . . Setting shit on fire . . . Weighing things . . . 
-- Lastly, just because the science world doesn't always believe in you, never stop believing in yourself. Never stop dreaming, and never feel like you can't change the world. Someday you might invent something, someday you might fail. Someday you might have an idea that's so simple and so brilliant that you get one in a lifetime, one that's so charged that it sets the world on fire.

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